For nogle måneder siden, stod Theis og jeg, og manglede en model til en workshop, den alle første der svarede, var det man kan kalde en positiv overraskelse.
Alle der har skudt model billeder, ved at der er gode modeller, og knap så gode modeller, vi har fundet en af de rigtig gode til dig 🙂
Denne torsdag, skal det handle om, hvorfor man er model, hvad der skal til, osv.
Diana Kopmane, hvorfor er du model?
For små 2 måneder siden, stod Theis og jeg, og manglede en model. Jeg spurgte lidt bredt, på en af de mange model grupper på facebook.
Den første jeg fik svar fra, spurgte pænt om jeg stadig havde brug for en model, og da jeg havde svaret ja, fik jeg linket til hendes facebook side: og da jeg først havde set siden, tænkte jeg med det samme “WOW”, og så krydsede jeg ellers fingere for, at hun ikke ombestemte sig.
Her snakker vi ikke en model, der bare laver lidt model arbejde for sjov skyld, men en der virkelig mener det. I den tid jeg har været facebook ven, og fulgt hende på instagram, der går ikke 14 dage, uden hun er ude og rejse, for at lave en eller anden opgave.
Da Diana er fra Letland, men er bosat i danmark, derfor er dagens T-dags indlæg på engelsk.
Diana har ordet
As long as I can remember myself I have always wanted to be a model. Sounds like every girls dream. But for me modelling is more than a dream – it is my life, my passion and my energy.
It is the way I can express myself as an artist. Being a model is like being an actress, when I am on a photoshoot, I don’t just change my clothes and makeup, but I am often stepping into another character – being someone else , playing a role, living another life.
Modelling is more than smiling and being pretty, it’s also a challenge, and are pushing me out of my comfort zone and playing with my fears.
I have experienced a shoot, where I had to do something, I normally would not do – like getting up on the tree, being in the high, not extremely safe, or stable area and working with my balance and fears. I am actually thankful for those shoots, because they have made me to work with myself and helped me overcome my fears.
Being a model it also means to constantly improving oneself in many ways. Getting to know more things about my own body, where are the key asset points, as well as about the photography and lightning in general, which is very important to be aware of, when you are a professional model.
It is also about a social skills and learning to work with different people, because often I have worked with both professional photographers and amateurs, as well as a people with different nationalities and origins.
It started it way back, I was around 13 , with a 3 years course at model school, followed by some time in a model agency, and it ended being a long, difficult road.
I always had a impression, that I am not meant to be a model, because to achieve anything, I have to try really hard – like beating a wall. And though many people look at me like a model, industry professionals often have said that I would not succeed, and win the hard competition in the business.
It was always ups and downs, often I wanted to give up. Luckily I did not.
Foto: Jan Hammerstad
I started freelance modelling, after being encouraged by a photographer I met during my stay in Denmark in 2012. Since then I had a few photoshoots once in a while, and now I have at least two in a week. In my opinion modelling is all about networking, and working with as many photographers as possible, this way expanding the network and getting to be well known. The right network brings jobs. Sometimes network brings you new friends, too. I have met the photographers that have become a close friends to me, which I value really highly.
Foto: Jan Hammerstad
Being freelance is not easy, to get a job, you need to have eyes and ears open and be active all the time.
If I lay on the sofa and do nothing, I will never get anything. The jobs are not falling from the sky like the snow, one needs to work hard for them. Often it is very much time consuming. But it is worth it if that is the air and a food for your life. For me it is.
I am doing both workshops and individual shoots, as well as fashion catwalks. I can be booked not only in Denmark, but also internationally.
Som i kan læse, er det at være model, lidt ligesom at være fotograf, hårdt arbejde, men arbejde der belønner sig på sigt.
En eller anden dag, skal jeg helt sikkert have lokket Diana ud og skyde med mig 🙂
Men indtil da, er vi er meget glade for at Diana ville lege med, her på bloggen, og vi glæder og vildt til Foto Campen, hvor hun er med som model for Theises Fashion Passion del af campen.
Picture credits:Jan Hammerstad, Photography Smashed with Poetry, Thomas Axel, Debabrata Ray, Kerry Bellerose,